Prevention of prostatitis at home

depression in a man due to prostatitis

The most vile disease for men is not heart attack or stroke, but prostatitis. You just can't do the most ordinary thing normally - go to the bathroom. When you try to urinate, everything hurts, urine comes out drips, causing you to hang around the bathroom for a long time and fall back on it in just five minutes. And also groin cramps, fever and chills. . . Pleasant enough.

To understand how to prevent the development of the disease and what prevention of prostatitis exists, we talked with experts in this field.

How to start prostatitis prevention

Protect yourself from infections

The main cause of prostatitis is infection. Therefore, it is very important to prevent germs from entering the prostate.

Two types of microbes can enter the prostate:

  • causative agents of venereal diseases;
  • coli.

In the first case, the prevention of prostatitis is understandable. No matter how beautiful the girl is and no matter how much she wants it, without a condom - no, no! And not only from prostatitis will protect, if that.

In the second case, E. coli can get on your precious penis both through dirty hands that are not washed after the toilet or during anal sex without a condom. Yes, even with my wife. Therefore, hygiene is everything! Wash your hands, wash your cock, use a condom.

don't catch cold

Due to hypothermia, immunity drops, and blood stagnates in the pelvic organs. The same E. coli that is normally present in our body can multiply rapidly and end up in the wrong place if it freezes. Stagnant blood causes swelling of organs, including the prostate. As a result, the urine gets worse and it is easier for microbes to attach and multiply.

- To prevent prostatitis, it is important to avoid the main risk factors. It is important not to overcool and soberly assess your strength during hardening. With severe hypothermia, the body may not be able to resist infections, which it managed to cope with before, experts say.

Move more!

These days, when most work hours we sit at the desk, then leave sitting in the car, then take a comfortable position on our favorite sofa, the body is catastrophically lacking in movement! There is no movement - blood stagnation begins, the pelvic organs are squeezed and work worse.

"The best prevention of prostatitis is to lead as active a life as possible, " experts advise. Walk to lunch, warm up in the office after long meetings, and while writing reports, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take advantage of every opportunity to walk!

Have sex regularly

Regular sex is an excellent prevention of prostatitis. This is the key to a good long-term work of the prostate. During sex, blood circulation is powerfully increased, metabolic processes are better. Again, the prostate actively secretes its juice, which is the liquid part of semen. No stagnation and therefore no chance of the infection taking hold. Masturbation in this regard is worse, with it there are no active movements of the pelvis and there is no such powerful increase in blood circulation.

But remember safety, sexually transmitted infections. Protect yourself!

Do not abuse alcohol

First, alcohol itself weakens the immune system and makes it harder to fight infections. Secondly, alcohol expands blood vessels, which leads to various stagnations and edemas, which we have already discussed. Third, while intoxicated, you can achieve feats. And there is already up to unprotected sex not far from an unfamiliar woman and falling asleep in an incomprehensible place on a cold floor.

Treat chronic diseases

With hypothermia or a large amount of drunk alcohol, the infection can penetrate the prostate and other organs from internal foci of infection. For example, decayed teeth. The focus can also be untreated chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis or sore throat. It would seem, where is the throat and where is the prostate, but here. Therefore, for the prevention of prostatitis and other diseases, it is imperative to treat foci of chronic infection.

Drugs for prostatitis

For treatment, a whole range of drugs for prostatitis is used:

  • antibiotics, since the main cause of prostatitis is an infection, it is treated first;
  • anti-inflammatories and analgesics (scientifically "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs"), these drugs lower the temperature in acute prostatitis, relieve pain and inflammation of the prostate;
  • alpha-blockers - drugs that relax the prostate and improve the passage of urine; due to inflammation, the prostate gland enlarges, presses on the urethra and does not allow urine to come out normally;
  • vitamins and dietary supplements, they improve the restoration of normal prostate function after the defeat of infection and the relief of inflammation.

But the devices sold for the treatment of prostatitis are 99% useless, experts are sure. Here are these laser, pulsed and electromagnetic miracle devices.

Folk remedies for prostatitis

The most popular folk remedy for prostatitis is propolis. It is recommended to use it both in the form of candles and in the form of tincture. It is said that propolis has a slight anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, but the key word is small! Neither to overcome the infection that causes prostatitis, nor to relieve inflammation, in which hellish pain and a temperature of 40 degrees, of course, propolis will not be able to do.

Pumpkin seeds are another popular folk remedy for prostatitis. Ate - and order. But in fact, you need to understand that pumpkin seeds act only on certain types of worms. And then they do not kill them, but just cause discomfort, from which worms can begin to crawl out of a person. Since worms do not cause prostatitis, there is no point in treating with pumpkin seeds.

Many use burdock root to treat prostatitis. Burdock has a diuretic and healing effect, and it also contains a lot of inulin, which is useful for diabetes. There are no sores as such with prostatitis, and therefore there is nothing special to deal with. But the diuretic effect will torture you. Imagine - you already have urine unable to pass through the urethra squeezed by the prostate, and you increase the pressure even more, increasing your pain and the frequency of visits to the toilet. Do you need it?

In folk medicine, for the treatment of prostatitis, it is also advisable to use a decoction of bear root (red). The main effect of its use is anti-inflammatory. But it is rather weak in order to bring down temperature and pain. In addition, bear root does not fight infection in any way.

"Our people are so harsh that they can be treated with anything, " saysurologist Sergey Kotov. - At the heart of all drugs that are now advertised and sold as dietary supplements are plant components. They have mild anti-inflammatory and antibacterial efficacy. But as the only treatment for prostatitis, they are too weak, because they have extremely low effectiveness. I can't recommend anything. The main problem of traditional medicine is the loss of time and the late start of normal treatment.

Bath for prostatitis

- The most effective popular method for treating prostatitis is a bath! says the urologist. - Warming up, alternating heat and cold can be useful. But it is important to remember that the bath is contraindicated for people who have heart and vascular problems. A very important point! In patients over 50, you need to be 100% sure that it is prostatitis and not prostate cancer. Because the symptoms of chronic prostatitis are the same as those of prostate adenoma and cancer. And it's important not to waste time trying to cure the wrong disease. The procedure is as follows: first we exclude oncology, then we treat prostatitis.

You can only go to the bath or sauna for the treatment of prostatitis if you feel well! Do not walk immediately after eating or while intoxicated. You can't walk with acute prostatitis when you have a temperature! Only after the normalization of health to consolidate the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

It is better not to overheat in a bath or sauna, walk for fun, and not for endurance records. We entered the steam room for 15-20 minutes, warmed up - went out to rest for 30-40 minutes. Then you can come back and warm up. It is better not to climb in the snow or in an ice pool - otherwise you can catch a new wave of prostatitis from hypothermia!

Home exercises for prostatitis

- There are a lot of exercises for the prevention of prostatitis on the Internet now. But, for the most part, it's all marketing and advertising, - says the doctor. - Regularly walking, squatting and climbing stairs DAILY will bring much more benefits! It's clearly not a hunt, but you force yourself to be at least slightly active. And a regular sex life!

If you have an office job for example, nothing prevents you from going to the dining room during your lunch break not by elevator, but by traversing several floors. Sitting for 2 hours in a meeting? After that, step out into the hallway and do some squats. In general, squats are the very exercise that disperses blood well in the pelvis and fights stagnation.

After work we came home - leave the car in the yard and go to the store on foot, and do not drive there on the road. Take the stairs to your floor, not the elevator. If you live high up, take the elevator part of the way and walk part of the way.

"You need to exercise regularly, " he advises.urologist Sergey Kotov. - Records are not required, but walking for 40 minutes a day or taking fitness classes 2-3 times a week with lower body exercises will help. Cycling, walking, squatting, bending, swimming are very good home exercises for prostatitis.

Remember the main exercises for the prevention of prostatitis:

  • while walking;
  • squats;
  • forward bends;
  • swing your legs;
  • lying leg raise;
  • to go upstairs;
  • Cycling;
  • swim.